Saturday, April 28, 2007

Persistence and Perseverance

A friend of mine sent me an email with the clip I have also included. As I watched, my first thoughts where of amazment and personally I felt as somewhat of an ingrate for taking for granted many times the things in life that I have but don't value as much as I should.

After giving it a bit more thought, it also made me recall and realize that, it is true, everything one wants to truly accomplish is attainable. As Forest Gump said, "life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're going to get"! Yet, it's up to each individual to make the best of anything that comes with life's dificulties.

For the most part, it's easy to let obstacles come between one and one's dreams or goals. However, being persistent and persevering, falling and getting right back up, not allowing youself to give up is the only way you can accomplish most things in this journey called life. For some reason nothing in life is easy. My last thought when watching this clip was... How many times must he have hurt himself or simply fallen, and maybe even dragged her along to be able to do what he wanted?

When negativity enters one's mind and especially extreme difficulties enter one's life, remember to "never give up, never give in, you can conquer, you can win"! Trust in God's strength if you can't trust on your own. It's difficult but believe me it works!

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