Saturday, April 21, 2007

La Academia

Ok so I mention in my profile that I'm a big fan of Myriam and Samuel winners of the Spanish singing reality show "La Academia" transmitted on Channel 54 - Azteca America the american version of the Mexican channel TV Azteca. I decided I should probably fill you in a bit more on who they are

Myriam is the first winner of the show. She has a contract with EMI latin and hasher 5th album which is a tribute to the spanish singer Ana Gabriel releasing this 8th of May. In Mexico this album released about a month again and it still is a best seller ranking in the top 3 for the last few weeks. She has greatly struggled with the politics of both the tv station and record company to finance her promotion. However, things are starting to brighten up and maybe she will be promoted as much as she should she truly has a beautiful voice and the talent.

Samuel on the other hand has just commenced his singing career after winning the competition this past 18th of December. He is a composer and singer. When he sings he does it with his heart so he is able to mmediately capture your attention by his immense talent to use his voice and creativity to make you really enjoy his work. He's also a cutie well I have this thing for guys with long hair especially blond curlycues. He has a contract with Universal Music and has an album out that is a compilation of the songs he has interpreted on the show. He sings every genre very well, but has a special touch with salsa/tropical styles, which is one of my favorite genres. Hopefully, a new album will be recorded and released soon.


Kuki said...

I saw the final show, when Samuel won. I loved the show! The production was terrific!

By the way, are you following Montecristo??? Kuki

Pearly said...

Yes. That and American Idol are the only shows I watch, everything else I started watching this season got cut.
Back to Montecristo, you're going to think I'm crazy, I actually started to watch it when it started here but the first episode was so interesting I was hooked and since I subscribe to the tv service for the mexico channel,I watched about 4 months worth in like 3 weeks until I caught up with the Mexico airing.
I'm behind a week again,but since the finale is Friday I'll be able to catch up again as soon as I'm able to set aside some free time and actually watch some tv. My poor DVR is on overload.

I take it you do or at least try to follow it?